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Jorge Bernhardt Jorge Bernhardt

Azure Resource Graph


Run Azure Resource Graph queries using Azure CLI
·595 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Resource Graph Microsoft Microsoft Azure
To end this series of articles about Azure Resource Graph. In this last article, I want to show you how to use this service to make inquiries and explore resources with the Azure CLI.
Run Azure Resource Graph queries using Azure PowerShell
·498 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure PowerShell Azure Resource Graph Connect-AzAccount Get-AzSubscription
In my last article, I showed you how to enable the Azure Resource Graph module in PowerShell and Azure CLI. Today I want to show you how to use this service to make queries and explore the resources using Azure PowerShell.
How to enable Azure Resource Graph in PowerShell and Azure CLI
·324 words·2 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure PowerShell Azure Resource Graph Get-InstalledModule
The general availability of the Azure Resource Graph service was announced a few days ago. This service allows you to use queries to explore all your resources in Azure and manage your inventory in the Microsoft cloud more efficiently.