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Jorge Bernhardt Jorge Bernhardt



How to Create an Azure Log Analytics Workspace
·513 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount Get-AzLocation Get-AzOperationalInsightsIntelligencePacks
Recently I attended a very interesting webinar about the new features and capabilities of Azure Monitor Logs also known earlier as Log Analytics, check out this link. Today I want to show you how to create a Log Analytics workspace using Azure Powershell.
How to create an Azure Load Balancer with PowerShell
·652 words·4 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure PowerShell Get-AzLocation Get-AzResourceGroup Get-AzSubscription
This post is part of a series in which I will show how to create different resources in Microsoft Azure. Today I will show you how to create an essential component: an Azure Load Balancer.