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Jorge Bernhardt Jorge Bernhardt

Azure Monitor


Bicep - Deploying Azure Application Insights
·818 words·4 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Microsoft Microsoft Azure Bicep
Keeping our cloud applications healthy and reliable requires constant monitoring. Azure Application Insights allows us to track performance, identify errors, and gain valuable insights into the behavior of our applications.


Terraform - Deploying Azure Application Insights
·1309 words·7 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Terraform Microsoft Azure Azure Monitor IaC
Monitoring and analyzing performance in modern cloud-based environments is crucial to ensure reliability. Azure Application Insights is a powerful tool for monitoring your applications, helping you detect and diagnose errors. Building on our previous discussion on Azure Log Analytics workspaces, This blog post will guide you through implementing Azure Application Insights with a Terraform module.
Terraform - Deploy and manage Azure action groups
·1170 words·6 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Terraform Microsoft Azure Azure Monitor IaC
Hey, did you know that Azure Monitor has these cool things called action groups? They help you manage alerts by connecting them to different actions. You can receive notifications by email or text message, run Azure Functions, or even start a webhook with an HTTP call.
Creating Restore Points for Azure VMs using Azure CLI
·1360 words·7 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure Monitor Microsoft
If you need to perform a quick ad-hoc backup of your virtual machine before maintenance that allows you to take consistent snapshots of all managed disks attached to your virtual machine, you should try Azure restore points.


How to manage Log Analytics tables using the Azure CLI
·907 words·5 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure Monitor Microsoft
Microsoft last month announced the general availability of a new experience for managing Azure Log Analytics table metadata from the Azure portal. So I think it’s an excellent time to see how to view and edit table properties in Log Analytics workspaces using the Azure CLI and check how these changes are reflected in the Azure portal.


How to configure Storage Analytics metrics
·910 words·5 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure Monitor Azure PowerShell
Hi, Jorge is back. In this post, I want to show you how to configure Storage Analytics metrics using PowerShell and Azure CLI. Azure Storage Analytics: performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage account.