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Azure Disks Performance Tests: Ultra Disks compared

·486 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes ·
DiskSpd Microsoft Microsoft Azure Storage

In a previous post, I showed you how to implement the new Azure Ultra Disks. Today, I want to show you how fast they really are by running performance tests and comparing them with the other disks available in Azure.

Test Environment>

Test Environment #

VM size: Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory) Location: North Europe (Zone 3) Used tool: DiskSpd Disks Sizes Ultra Disk: 32 GB / 9200 IOPS / 2000 MBps Premium SSD: P4 Standard SSD: E4 Standard HDD: S4

Azure disks performance>

Azure disks performance #

I will perform two tests on each type of hard disk, using the Diskspd tool, Diskspd is a command-line utility and, as such, has a long list of available parameters. If you want to know more about the parameters used in the following tests, check out this link.

Large area random concurrent reads of 4KB blocks>

Large area random concurrent reads of 4KB blocks #

The explanation of the values and parameters used for this test are the following:




Create files of the specified size.


Block size in bytes or KB, MB, or GB.


Random I/O.


The number of outstanding I/O requests per-target per-thread.


Warmup time in seconds.


Duration of measurement period in seconds


Disable both software caching and hardware write caching.


The target file used for testing.

./diskspd -c2G -b4K -F8 -r -o32 -W60 -d60 -Sh testfile.dat

The results for each type of Azure managed disks are shown below.

Ultra Disk>

Ultra Disk #

Azure Ultra disk performance

Premium SSD>

Premium SSD #

Azure Premium Disks Performance

Standard SSD>

Standard SSD #

Azure SSD Disks Performance

Standard HDD>

Standard HDD #

Azure Standard Disks Performance

Small area concurrent writes of 4KB blocks>

Small area concurrent writes of 4KB blocks #

The explanation of the values and parameters used for this test are the following:




Create files of the specified size.


Percentage of write requests to issue.


Block size in bytes or KB, MB, or GB.


The number of outstanding I/O requests per-target per-thread.


The total number of threads.


Stride size between I/O operations performed on the same target by different threads in bytes, KB, MB or GB.


Sequential stride size, offset between subsequent I/O operations in bytes, KB, MB, or GB.


Warmup time in seconds.


Duration of measurement period in seconds


Disable both software caching and hardware write caching.


The target file used for testing.

./diskspd -c100b -w100 -b4K -o32 -F8 -T1b -s8b -W60 -d60 -Sh testfile.dat

The results for each type of Azure managed disks are shown below.

Ultra Disk>

Ultra Disk #

Azure Ultra Disks Performance

Premium SSD>

Premium SSD #

Azure Premium Disks Performance

Standard SSD>

Standard SSD #

Azure SSD Disks Performance

Standard HDD>

Standard HDD #

Azure Standard Disks Performance
As you can see the difference in performance is notorious. I hope you find this information interesting and see you in the next post. If you want to know more about DiskSpd tool, check out this link: