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Jorge Bernhardt Jorge Bernhardt
Jorge Bernhardt

Jorge Bernhardt

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How to Install Docker on Windows Server
·316 words·2 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Docker docker info docker run docker version
In this post, I want to show you how to install Docker on Windows Server 2016/2019. The process to install Docker in Windows Server is easy with the help of the PowerShell module of the OneGet provider.
Convert Azure VMs to Managed Disks using PowerShell
·581 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisk Get-AzAvailabilitySet
This post will show you how to convert a virtual machine, whether within an availability group or a single instance, from unmanaged disks (Storage Account) to disks managed using Azure PowerShell.
How to Install the Secure DevOps Kit for Azure
·513 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
AzSK Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus
This quick blog post shows how to install the Secure DevOps Kit for Azure (AzSK). The Secure DevOps for Azure kit offers tools and best practices for creating and maintaining a secure architecture in the Microsoft cloud.
How to Implement Nested Virtualization in Windows Server
·314 words·2 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Get-VMProcessor Microsoft Microsoft Windows PowerShell
Hi, Today, I want to show you how to implement nested virtualization in Windows Server. This feature is helpful for testing and training purposes (such as preparing for a certification exam).
How to Enable COM+ in Windows Server 2016
·199 words·1 min· 100 views · 5 likes
Microsoft Microsoft Windows PowerShell Registry Editor
As you know, compatibility with the application server function was removed from Windows Server 2016. In this post, I will show you how to manually enable COM+ remote access in your Windows Server 2016 using Windows PowerShell and the Registry Editor.