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Jorge Bernhardt Jorge Bernhardt



How to update the tenant ID in an Azure key vault
·832 words·4 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount
I recently migrated an Azure subscription to a new tenant, and in the key vault resources, I had to perform a few additional steps that I want to show you. So In this week’s article, we’ll look at updating the tenant ID and removing previous access policies and role assignments to the key vault resource once it’s moved to the new subscription.
Setting Private Endpoint for Azure Key Vault using Azure PowerShell
·1647 words·8 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount Get-AzPrivateEndpoint Get-AzPrivateLinkResource
Hi everyone, and happy new year. In the first post of the year, I want to continue talking about Private Endpoints. In this post, I want to show you how to create a private endpoint to connect securely to an Azure Key Vault, and I’ll also show you how to use two features that Microsoft recently enabled support for Private Endpoint Static IP Configurations and support for customizing the name of the network interface assigned to the private Endpoint.


Azure Disk Encryption using PowerShell
·617 words·3 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption format-table
Azure Disk Encryption (ADE) provides volume encryption for the OS and data disks of Azure virtual machines by using the DM-Crypt feature in Linux or the BitLocker feature of Windows. ADE is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage the disk encryption keys and secrets.


How to use a VM system-assigned managed identity to access Azure Key Vault
·1070 words·6 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount
Hi, In a previous post, I showed you how to enable system-assigned managed identity on an Azure virtual machine. Today, I want to show you how to assign a managed identity to access an Azure resource securely.
How to enable the Key vault's firewall
·854 words·5 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Add-AzKeyVaultNetworkRule Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure PowerShell
One of the security recommendations established by Microsoft in Azure Security Center is to enable the key vault’s firewall to prevent unauthorized traffic from reaching your key vault. This post will show you how to enable the firewall to ensure that only traffic from permitted networks can access your key vault using PowerShell and the Azure CLI.


How to configure Azure Key Vault to send logs and metrics to Log Analytics workspace
·787 words·4 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount
Hello, Jorge is back. In a previous post, I showed you how to configure Azure Key Vault diagnostic parameters to send logs and metrics to a storage account, but many of you have asked me to show you how to configure Azure Key Vault diagnostic parameters to send to a Log Analytics workspace.
How to configure Azure Key Vault diagnostic settings
·778 words·4 mins· 100 views · 5 likes
Azure CLI Azure Cloud Shell Azure PowerShell Connect-AzAccount
One of the security recommendations established by Microsoft in Azure Security Center is to enable diagnostic logs in Key Vaults. This lets you know how, when, and by whom your key vaults are accessed.